Pratt Lab :: Environmental and Analytical Chemistry
Pratt Lab News Feed
June 28 – 29, 2024: Prof. Pratt, postdoctoral researchers Graham and Andrew J., Ph.D. students Bella and Anya, and undergraduate
researcher Claire attend and present at the CHACHA meeting in Stony Brook, NY. Great job, everyone!
June 23 – 28, 2024: Prof. Pratt attends and presents an invited talk in an Extreme Environments Sensing session at the Gordon Research Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors in Newport, RI!
June 17, 2024: Welcome new first year Chemistry Ph.D. student rotator, Frozan!
June 2 – 7, 2024: Ph.D. student Emily attended the annual American Meteorological Society Summer Policy Colloquium in Washington, D.C.
She and other graduate students from across the country were selected to participate with full financial support!
June 6, 2024: Welcome new first year Chemistry Ph.D. student rotator, Alexander!
June 3, 2024: Congrats to graduate students Judy and Logan who were awarded UM Rackham Conference Travel grants!
June 3, 2024: Graduate student Judy was awarded an ACS ANYL Younger Chemists travel grant. Congratulations, Judy!
June 2 – 14, 2024: Postdoctoral researcher Andrew J. visits Aerodyne Research in Billerica, MA to perform calibrations for the CLOROX campaign.
May 29, 2024: Prof. Pratt is one of eight mid-career scientists awarded a 2024 National Brown Investigator Award. Congratulations, Prof. Pratt! Read more
from the CalTech and
UM press releases!
May 24, 2024: Prof. Pratt, research lab specialist senior Vanessa, and graduate student Andrew H. fly to Pituffik Space Force Base in Greenland
for the first deployment of the A-ATOFMS on the NASA ARCSIX field campaign.
May 14 – 17, 2024: Post-doctoral researchers Andrew J. and Graham attend and present at the Aerodyne CIMS meeting in Austin, TX. Graduate students Izabella and Anya attended the meeting online. Great work Andrew J. and Graham!
May 10, 2024: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Andrew on completing his fourth year data meeting, a major milestone in the program!
May 7, 2024: Graduate student Emily gave an oral presentation and graduate student Logan presented a poster at the UM/Agilent Measurement Science Symposium. Great work Emily and Logan!
May 2, 2024: Graduate students Emily and Logan present at the ALPACA teleconference. Great work Emily and Logan!
April 25, 2024: Chemistry Ph.D. students Theo, Bella, and Anya officially join the Pratt Lab. Welcome!
April 23, 2024: Undergraduate researcher Monica submits her honors thesis. Great work, Monica!
April 12, 2024: Ph.D. student Andrew H. and research lab specialist senior Vanessa leave for Wallops Island, VA to install the ATOFMS aboard the P-3 aircraft ahead of the NASA ARCSIX campaign.
April 11, 2024: Ph.D. student Emily was accepted with full funding to attend the American Meteorological Society Summer Policy Colloquium in Washington, D.C. Congratulations, Emily!
April 11, 2024: Ph.D. student Tiantian gave a seminar at the Geochemistry, Climate, and Life (GCL) seminar series organized by the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department. Great work, Tiantian!
April 10, 2024: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Judy for being awarded the Department of Chemistry Margaret & Herman Sokol Graduate Summer Research Fellowship!
April 8, 2024: The Pratt Lab watches the total solar eclipse!
April 5, 2024: Undergraduate researcher Hailey gave a talk at the Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) symposium, and
Earth PhD student Tiantian and undergraduate researchers Monica, Chadwin, Claire, and Anjali presented posters. Great work everyone!
April 5, 2024: Undergraduate researcher Claire was selected for the U-M Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program! Congratulations, Claire!
April 5, 2024: Undergraduate researcher Chadwin was awarded a U-M Arctic Internship Fellowship! Congratulations, Chadwin!
April 4, 2024: Ph.D. student Tiantian was awarded an Institute for Global Change Biology Graduate Fellowship for atmospheric particle sampling in Tasmania next year as part of the CAPE-K field campaign! Congratulations, Tiantian!
February 17, 2024: Postdoc Graham volunteers for the University of Michigan Science Invitational. During this event, 1,000+ students (high school and middle school)
from all over the country compete in various science-based competitions and events.
February 12, 2024: Congratulations to Judy for receiving a Graduate Fellowship ($5K) and Hailey for receiving a Faculty-Led Fellowship for Undergraduates ($4K) from the
Michigan Space Grant Consortium.
January 10, 2024: Welcome new first-year Chemistry Ph.D. student rotator, Theo and undergraduate students Anjali and Claire!
January 7, 2024: Ph.D. student Logan and postdoc Vanessa flew to Salt Lake City, UT to participate in a field campaign collaborating with the Gaston (U. Miami) and Hallar (U. Utah) labs!
December 11 - 15, 2023: Ph.D. students Judy, Andrew H., and Emily, postdoctoral researchers Andrew J. and Graham, and Prof. Pratt attended and presented at
the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023 in San Francisco, CA. Great work everyone!
December 8, 2023: Congratulations to Logan for completing her 3rd year seminar!
December 6, 2023: Congratulations to Emily for completing her 3rd year seminar!
November 17, 2023: Ph.D. students Judy, Andrew, Emily, and Logan presented virtual posters at the 1stIGAC-iCACGP ECR virtual conference. Great work, everyone!
November 9, 2023: Ph.D. students Logan, Emily, Judy, and Andrew gave oral presentations at the 2023 ANACHEM symposium in Livonia, MI. Congratulations to Judy and Andrew for being recognized as top presenters in their sessions! Great job, everyone!
October 30, 2023: Ph.D. student James from Prof. Cassie Gaston’s group at the University of Miami arrives in Ann Arbor to begin aerosol flow tube experiments. Welcome, James!
October 21, 2023: Ph.D. student Judy presented at the Michigan Space Grant Consortium conference in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Great job, Judy!
October 20, 2023: Prof. Pratt presents at the Kopelman symposium in honor of the life and scientific legacy of Prof. Raoul Kopelman.
October 17, 2023: The Pratt lab paints pumpkins to celebrate Fall!
October 14, 2023: Post-doctoral researcher Jessica gave a presentation at Scientist in the Forum at the UM Museum of Natural History. Great job, Jessica!
September 25 - 29, 2023: Prof. Pratt travels to Singapore to participate in the scientific steering committee meeting of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project.
September 13, 2023: Welcome new first-year Chemistry Ph.D. student rotators – Anya, Izabella, and Ali!
September 8 - 11, 2023: Prof. Pratt visits the University of Grenoble-Alpes and participates in the 2nd CIce2Clouds workshop in Grenoble, France.
September 4 - 7, 2023: Prof. Pratt visits Stockholm University and gives an oral presentation at the 4th MOCCHA (Arctic Ocean 2018) Field Campaign Workshop in Stockholm, Sweden.
August 28, 2023: Welcome to Tiantian Zhu, a first-year Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Earth & Environmental Sciences!
August 8, 2023: Prof. Pratt gave an invited plenary presentation at the DOE ARM/ASR PI meeting in Rockville, Maryland.
August 7 - 11, 2023: Prof. Pratt and post-doctoral researcher Vanessa attended the ARCSIX field campaign planning workshop.
August 3, 2023: D-RISE student presents an exhibit at an educational event for children at the UM Museum of Natural History!
July 30 - August 4, 2023: Prof. Pratt attended and presented a poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry in Newry, Maine.
July 28, 2023: Ph.D. student Emily receives the NASA FINESST (Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology) award, a 3-year fellowship!
July 28, 2023: Ph.D. student Logan gave an oral presentation and Ph.D. students Judy, Andrew H., Monica D., and Kelsey present posters at the Karle symposium. Logan received a 2nd place oral presentation award. Great job, everyone!
July 27, 2023: Previous member Stephen McNamara returns to UofM to participate in the Alum|NUM event and visits our lab!
July 27, 2023: Undergraduate researchers Hailey and Monica M. and D-RISE high school student present posters at the URAN|UM symposium.
July 26, 2023: Prof. Pratt was selected as a finalist for the 2023 Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists, a prestigious award for "America's most innovative, faculty-ranked scientists and engineers." Congratulations, Prof. Pratt!
July 4, 2023: Ph.D. student Emily begins field research with the Ault lab in Connecticut as part of the AEROMMA (Atmospheric Emissions and Reactions Observed from Megacities to Marine Areas) field campaign.
June 26, 2023: A D-RISE high school student begins her summer internship in the Pratt Lab. Welcome!
June 22, 2023: The Pratt and Ault labs have a joint summer party to celebrate another successful semester!
June 12, 2023: Dr. Andrew Jensen joins the Pratt lab as a postdoctoral fellow. He recently received his Ph.D. in Chemistry at UC-Boulder. Welcome, Andrew!
June 5 - 7, 2023: Dr. Vanessa Selimovic and Dr. Pratt attend and give presentations at the PACES (air Pollution in the Arctic: Climate, Environment, and Society)
Open Science meeting in Helsinki, Finland!
June 5, 2023: Welcome to incoming Ph.D. student Kelsey Ramp, who begins her summer Pratt lab rotation!
May 30, 2023 – June 2, 2023: Sophie Kitsick from Ilisagvik College visits Michigan!
May 25, 2023: The Pratt lab paints penguins to celebrate Prof. Pratt's promotion!
May 18, 2023: Prof. Pratt is promoted to Full Professor. Congratulations Prof. Pratt!
May 9 – 12, 2023: Prof. Pratt, Monica D., Vanessa, and Graham attend the CIMS Users Meeting.
May 11, 2023: Dr. Graham Frazier joins the Pratt group as a postdoctoral fellow. He recently received his Ph.D. in Chemistry at Virginia Tech. Welcome, Graham!
May 9, 2023: Chemistry Ph.D. student Monica Dibley officially joins the Pratt lab. Welcome!
May 8, 2023: Judy completes her 4th year data meeting. Congratulations, Judy!
April 29, 2023: Congratulations to Evelyn on graduating with honors from the University of Michigan, receiving her B.S. in Chemistry with a minor in Earth Science!
Evelyn also received the ACS Analytical Chemistry Award. She will go on to to pursue a PhD in chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison!
April 22, 2023: Judy and Andrew presented talks, and Logan, Emily, Evelyn, Monica, Chadwin, Hailey, and Ella presented posters at the 2nd annual
UM/Agilent Symposium on Measurement Science!
April 21, 2023: Prof. Pratt visited and gave an invited seminar in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University.
April 19, 2023: Congratulations to undergraduates Monica and Ella on receiving U-M Chemistry May-Walt Summer Research Scholarships,
Chadwin on receiving the U-M Chemistry Walter Yates Award, and Hailey on receiving the U-M Arctic Internship Fellowship. All of them will be conducting research this summer!
April 14, 2023: Prof. Pratt accompanied her PhD advisor Prof. Kim Prather to Harvard University, where Prof. Prather received the
prestigious 2023 Gustavus John Esselen Award for Chemistry in the Public Interest!
March 29-30, 2023: Prof. Pratt traveled to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and participated in the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) Science & Technology Advisory Committee to provide guidance for the Department of Energy user facility.
March 29, 2023: Congratulations to Judy and Andrew on being awarded a Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant for financial assistance with their research projects!
March 27-30, 2023: Prof. Pratt, Judy, and Andrew presented talks at the “Approaching Atmospheric Chemistry from a Single Particle Perspective” Session, and Logan, Emily and Evelyn presented posters at the
ACS Spring 2023 Meeting in Indianapolis, IN.
March 16, 2023: Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Emily Costa on passing her gateway exam, an important milestone in her PhD career!
March 14, 2023: Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Logan Forshee on passing her gateway exam, an important milestone in her PhD career!
March 1, 2023 Dr. Vanessa Selimovic joins the Pratt group as a postdoctoral fellow. She received her Ph.D. in Environmental/Analytical Chemistry at the University of Montana! Welcome, Vanessa!
February 22, 2023 Congratulations to Judy, who just received news that she was awarded a $5k Michigan Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship!
February 14, 2023 Postdoc Jessica presented her initial results on the “Identification and Chemical Composition of Sea Spray Aerosol during MOSAiC” at the 2nd MOSAiC Science Conference in Boulder, CO.
February 1, 2023 Undergraduate Ella Sobieszczyk joins the Pratt Lab to use Raman spectroscopy for the analysis of previous field campaign data. Welcome!
January 17, 2023 Undergraduate Hailey Kempf joins the Pratt Lab. She will be working on the analysis of previous field campaign data using microscopy. Welcome!
January 8 - 12, 2023 : Jessica presented her work on the "Characterization of Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol Particles from the Year-Long MOSAiC Expedition" at the 103rd AMS Annual Meeting in Denver, CO.
January 4, 2023 First-year Chemistry Ph.D. students Katie Barnes and Monica Dibley begin their rotations in the Pratt lab. Welcome!
December 12 - 16, 2022: Prof. Pratt presented a poster at the AGU 2022 Fall Meeting highlighting our group’s research results on aerosol sources, composition, and mixing state within the North Slope of Alaska oil fields!
Read the highlighted papers: Kolesar 2017, Gunsch & Liu 2020,
Liu 2021
December 7, 2022: Congratulations to Andrew on completing his 3rd year seminar and receiving the Dept. of Chemistry 3rd Year Analytical Seminar Travel Award!
November 10, 2022: Prof. Pratt, and Ph.D. students Judy, Emily, and Logan attended the 2022 ANACHEM Symposium. Prof. Pratt gave an invited talk in
the award session in honor of Dr. Mark Meyerhoff. Judy and Logan gave oral presentations in Academic Research Sessions and Emily presented at the Graduate Poster Session.
Congratulations to Judy for being recognized as the top presentation in her session!
October 12, 2022: Ph.D. students Judy, Andrew, Emily, and Logan presented a literature overview of techniques used in the Pratt Lab as a primer for Prof. Pratt's
Analytical Chemistry Diversity Colloquium (AC/DC) virtual seminar.
October 11: Prof. Pratt gave her department full professor promotion seminar, and we celebrated with dinner afterwards!
October 3 - 7: Ph.D. students Judy, Andrew, Emily, and Logan presented posters and postdoc Jessica gave an oral presentation at the 40th Annual AAAR Conference in Raleigh, NC.
October 3, 2022: Prof. Pratt was presented with the 2022 University of Michigan Faculty Recognition Award that recognizes mid-career faculty who have
demonstrated outstanding achievements in research, teaching, and service. Read more
September, 29, 2022: Congratulations to Prof. Pratt and previous lab members, including recently graduated Dr. Jamy Y. Lee, Dr. Peter Peterson,
Ryan Cook, and Dr. Rachel Hems on the newest Pratt Lab publication, "Wildfire Smoke Influence on Cloud Water
Chemical Composition at Whiteface Mountain, New York" in JGR. Atmospheres. This paper also appeared in the JGR: Earth Surface Special Issue, Fire in the Earth System!
September 26, 2022: Prof. Pratt gave a seminar, hosted by Assistant Professor Emanuela Gionfriddo, in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toledo.
September 23, 2022: Congratulations to Judy, Andrew, Logan, and Emily on being awarded Rackham Conference Travel Grants for the AAAR conference in Raleigh, NC!
September 19, 2022: Prof. Pratt gave a seminar, hosted by Assistant Professor Jeff Geddes, at Boston University for the Biogeosciences Program.
September 11, 2022: Undergraduates Monica Mashkevich and Cheuk Yin Chadwin Ng join the Pratt Lab. They will be working on the analysis of previous field campaign data using microscopy. Welcome!
August 24-26, 2022: Prof. Pratt and PhD students Andrew, Logan, Emily (in person), and Judy (virtually) attend the ALPACA workshop at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.
August 18, 2022: Previous member Matt Gunsch returns to UofM to participate in the 2022 Merck Michigan Symposium.
August 15, 2022: Undergraduate student Evelyn returns to the Pratt lab for her senior year, welcome back!
August 12, 2022: Ph.D. student Andrew gave an oral presentation and Ph.D. students Judy and Logan presented posters at the
2022 Karle Symposium. Andrew received a 3rd Place Oral Presentation award. Logan and Judy were also awarded with a Student Poster Presentation Award! Great job, everyone!
August 11, 2022: Previous members Rachel Kirpes and Stephen McNamara return to UofM to participate in the Alum|NUM
(Alumni Networking at UMich) event!
August 9, 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Jamy Lee on successfully defending her dissertation!
July 25, 2022: Prof. Pratt gave an invited virtual lecture to a summer school at Zheijiang University in China.
July 18, 2022: Prof. Pratt gave one of two joint talks between the Telluride Workshops on New Insights into
Gas-phase Atmospheric Chemistry and Organic Particles in the Atmosphere: Formation, Properties, and Impact.
June 29, 2022: The Pratt Lab tie-dyes custom t-shirts to celebrate Pride month! Thank you Emily for organizing such a fun event!
May 31, 2022: Postdoc Natasha finishes her position at Michigan and is moving to Switzerland!
May 11, 2022: Enjoying the warm weather outdoors!
May 11, 2022: Prof. Pratt gave an invited talk in the “Polar halogen chemistry and interlinked processes” Session at the virtual CATCH Open Science Workshop.
May 9, 2022: Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Andrew Holen for passing his gateway exam!
April 26, 2022: First-year Chemistry Ph.D. student David Gazdecki begins his rotation in the Pratt lab. Welcome!
April 25, 2022: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Emily on being awarded a Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant!
April 18, 2022: Chemistry Ph.D. students Emily Costa and Logan Forshee officially join the Pratt Lab. Welcome!
April 7, 2022: Undergraduate student Evelyn presented a poster at the Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) Symposium.
February 14, 2022: Postdoc Daun and Natasha flew to Utqiagvik, Alaska to participate in the CHACHA (CHemistry in the Arctic: Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols) aircraft field campaign!
February 1, 2021: Dr. Natasha Garner returns to the Pratt group as a postdoctoral fellow. She recently received her Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Calgary! Welcome back, Natasha!
January 17, 2022: Welcome to first-year Chemistry Ph.D. student Cara Waters, who begins her winter rotation in the Pratt lab!
January 6, 2022: Ph.D. students Judy Wu and Andrew Holen flew to Fairbanks, Alaska to participate in the ALPACA (ALaskan Pollution and Chemical Analysis) field campaign!
December 21, 2021: Prof. Pratt gave a virtual oral presentation as part of the virtual Pacifichem (International Chemical Congress of the Pacific Basin Societies) meeting.
December 15, 2021: Ph.D. student Jamy Lee gave a presentation on her research at the American Geophysical Union meeting in New Orleans.
December 13, 2021: Prof. Pratt received the 2021 Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award and gave her award lecture at the American Geophysical Union meeting.
December 6, 2021: Congratulations to PhD candidate Judy on completing her 3rd year seminar, an important milestone in her PhD career!
September 24, 2021: Congratulations to Judy and Andrew on being awarded Rackham Conference "Travel" Grants for their virtual AAAR participation!
September 17, 2021: Ph.D. student Kathryn and postdocs Daun and Jess gave 5 minute talks at the virtual IGAC (International Global Atmospheric Chemistry)
Project CATCH (Cryosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry) session. Only 11/34 abstracts were chosen to give these short talks to highlight their posters,
so congrats to Kathryn, Daun, and Jess!
September 13, 2021: Welcome to first-year Chemistry Ph.D. students Scarlet Aguilar Martinez, Emily Costa, Logan Forshee, Karis Barnett, Rebecca Parham, and Ian Bain, who begin their fall
rotations in the Pratt lab!
September 10, 2021: Congratulations to Prof. Pratt on receving the American Geophysical Union's Atmospheric Sciences Ascent Award!
August 2, 2021: Dr. Hannah Kenagy joins the Pratt group as a postdoctoral fellow. She recently received her Ph.D. in Chemistry at UC Berkeley! Welcome, Hannah!
July 30, 2021: Ph.D. student Jamy gave a virtual oral presentation and Ph.D. students Kathryn, Judy, and Andrew presented virtual posters the
2021 Isabella & Jerome Karle Symposium. Kathryn and Judy were also awarded with Student Poster Presenter Awards!
Good work, Kathryn and Judy!
July 29, 2021: Undergraduate researcher Evelyn presented a virtual poster at the URAN|UM poster session.
May 5, 2021: Ph.D. student Judy passes candidacy and is now a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan!
May 1, 2021: Congratulations to undergraduate researcher Jonathan Tong on graduating with a B.S. in Chemistry and receiving the Dept. of Chemistry 2021
American Institute of Chemists Award. Jonathan plans to attend medical school following graduation!
April 29, 2021: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Kathryn for being awarded the Dept. of Chemistry Wayne & Carol Pletcher Graduate Summer Fellowship!
April 28, 2021: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Kathryn on receiving the Dept. of Chemistry 3rd Year Analytical Seminar Travel Award!
April 27, 2021: Prof. Pratt is awarded a LSA Associate Professor Support Fund grant through the Margaret and Herman Sokol Faculty Awards!
April 26, 2021: Chemistry Ph.D. student Andrew Holen officially joins the Pratt Lab as a Ph.D. candidate.
Andrew received his B.A. in ACS Chemistry from Concordia College. Welcome, Andrew!
April 22, 2021: Congratulations to undergraduate researcher Evelyn on being awarded a U-M LSA Summer Internship Fellowship for
summer research in the Pratt Lab!
April 16, 2021: Ph.D. student Judy gave a virtual oral presentation at the Michigan Geophysical Union (MGU) Symposium.
Undergraduate researchers Jonathan, Laura, and Evelyn presented virtual posters.
April 12, 2021: Congratulations to former Ph.D. student and postdoc Dr. Stephen McNamara, former postdoc Dr. Qianjie Chen,
former visiting PhD student (from ETH Zurich) Dr. Jacinta Edebeli, Ph.D. student Kathryn Kulju, former D-RISE high school student Jasmine Mumpfield,
and Prof. Pratt on their publication "Observation of N2O5 Deposition and ClNO2
Production on the Saline Snowpack" in ACS Earth & Space Chemistry!
March 20, 2021: Postdoc Jess and undergraduate student Evelyn presented a talk developed through the Science Communication Fellows
Program at the University of Michigan’s Meet a Scientist Virtual Event!
March 18, 2021: Congratulations to PhD candidate Kathryn on completing her 3rd year seminar, an important milestone in her PhD career!
February, 27, 2021: Congratulations to Evelyn on receiving a U-M Arctic Internship Fellowship to do research virtually with our lab this summer! Woo-hoo!
February 15, 2020: Staying connected while working from home! 😊
January 11 - 12, 2021: Prof. Pratt gave an invited talk at the 23rd Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry and presented a poster at the 22nd Conference
on Air-Sea Interaction Arctic Aerosol composition during the AMS (American Meterological Society) Annual Meeting.
January 2021: Prof. Pratt is awarded the American Meteorological Society Henry G. Houghton Early Career Award at the 101st AMS Annual Meeting. Congrats!
December 16, 2020: Ph.D. student Jamy presents a poster at the virtual AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall 2020!
October 31, 2020: Happy Halloween from the Pratt lab!🎃👻
October 8, 2020: Ph.D. student Judy presents a poster at the virtual AAAR (American Association for Aerosol Research) Annual Conference!
October 1, 2020: We are excited for the start of our Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (PNNL EMSL)
user facility grant to collaborate with Dr. Swarup China!
September 15, 2020: We are excited for the start of our new collaborative NSF grant "Collaborative Research: Chemistry in the Arctic -
Clouds, Halogens, and Aerosols (CHACHA)" for an aircraft field campaign in northern Alaska in 2022!
September 14, 2020: New Chemistry Ph.D. students Andrew Holen and Bridget Murray begin their rotations in the Pratt lab. Welcome!
September 4, 2020:Prof. Pratt gave a virtual seminar as part of the North Carolina State University Analytical Seminar Series.
September 1, 2020: We are excited for the start of our new collaborative NOAA grant "Wintertime Halogen Chemistry in Polluted, Inland,
Urban Environments" with Prof. Cassandra Gaston at the University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL)!
September 1, 2020: Former Pratt Lab Ph.D. student Dr. Rachel Kirpes finished her one-year National Academy of Sciences Gulf Research Program
Science Policy Fellowship and started as a Scientist at EPA Region 5 Air Programs Branch in Chicago. Best wishes, Rachel!
September 1, 2020: Dr. Jessica Mirrielees joins the Pratt group as a postdoctoral fellow. She recently received her Ph.D. in
Atmospheric Sciences from the lab of Prof. Sarah Brooks at Texas A&M! Welcome, Jessica!
August 31, 2020: Welcome back undergraduate researchers Laura Lorenger, Jonathan Tong, and Evelyn Widmaier.
Congratulations Evelyn on being accepted into the Research Scholars Program!
August 15, 2020: We are excited for the start of our new collaborative NSF grant "Collaborative Research: Greater NY Oxidant, Trace gas,
Halogen, and Aerosol Airborne Mission (GOTHAAM)" for an aircraft field campaign based on Long Island, NY in 2022!
August 2020: Postdoc Dr. Rachel Hems gave an invited talk at the ACS Fall 2020 Virtual Meeting in the "C. Ellen Gonter Environmental
Graduate Student Award Symposium", and Prof. Pratt gave an invited talk in the "Showcasing Emerging Investigators and Future Perspectives: A
Symposium by the RSC Environmental Science Journals" session.
July 31, 2020: Ph.D. students Jamy and Judy presented posters at the
2020 Virtual Karle Symposium. Jamy was also awarded with a Student Poster Presentation Award! Great job, Jamy!
July 6, 2020: Former Pratt Lab Postdoc Jun started his new job as an Instrument Specialist at the Bay Area Air Quality Management
District in California. Best wishes, Jun!
July 2, 2020: Prof. Pratt gave an invited virtual seminar for the UK Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science,
hosted by the University of Bristol School of Chemistry.
July 2020: Former Pratt Lab Ph.D. and Postdoc Stephen started his new job as a Senior Analytical Chemist at 3M in Minnesota.
Best wishes, Stephen!
June 24, 2020: Congratulations to Postdoc Stephen, previous lab members Dr. Siyuan Wang, Dr. Katheryn Kolesar, Dr. Nathaniel May, Ryan Cook,
Dr. Matthew Gunsch, and Claire N. Mattson, and Prof. Pratt on the new Pratt Lab publication,
"Urban Snowpack
ClNO2 Production and Fate: A One-Dimensional Modeling Study" in ACS Earth Space Chem.
June 1, 2020: Ph.D. student Kathryn was awarded an Air & Waste Management Association Scholarship for "exceptional work in Air Quality Research
and Study”! Well done, Kathryn!
May 22, 2020: The University of Michigan Regents approved the promotion of Prof. Pratt to associate professor of chemistry with tenure.
Congratulations, Prof. Pratt!
May 7, 2020: Chemistry PhD student Judy Wu joins the Pratt Lab. Judy received her B.S. degree in Chemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Welcome, Judy!
April 20, 2020: Ph.D. student Jamy completes her data meeting. Congratulations, Jamy!
April 14, 2020: "A Conversation with Kerri Pratt", an interview with Prof. Pratt
to discuss Arctic research, was published in ACS Cent. Sci. in collaboration with Chemical & Engineering News.
February 13, 2020: Ph.D. students Kathryn and Nikki traveled to Oliktok Point, AK to begin the Arctic CLOROX (ChLoRine OXidation)
ARM field campaign, funded by NSF and DOE ARM and in collaboration with Dr. Andy Lambe at Aerodyne Research.
February 3, 2020: Dr. Rachel Hems joins the Pratt group as a postdoctoral fellow. Rachel recently received her Ph.D. in
Environmental Chemistry from the University of Toronto in Prof. Jonathan Abbatt’s group. Welcome, Rachel!
January 2020: Ph.D. students Kathryn and Nikki and Postdoc Daun visited Aerodyne Research for training as part of a new collaboration
with Dr. Andy Lambe. We are excited to start our new NSF grant "RAPID: Collaborative Research: Atmospheric Chlorine Oxidation of Hydrocarbons Emitted
from the North Slope of Alaska Oil Fields".
January 1, 2020: Ph.D. student Nicole Perkins joins the Pratt Lab, jointly advised by Paul Zimmerman. Welcome, Nikki!
January 2020: Prof. Pratt gave the evening lecture at the Greater Boston Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group in Burlington, MA.
She also gave an invited talk at the Pacific Conference on Spectroscopy and Dynamics in San Diego, CA.
January 2020: Ph.D. student Kathryn presented a poster and Prof. Pratt gave an invited talk at the 100th Annual American Meteorological
Society Meeting in Boston, MA. Prof. Pratt co-organized the session "Atmospheric Halogen Chemistry and its Impacts” with Prof. Jose Fuentes (Penn State University)
and Prof. Paul Shepson (Stony Brook University).
December 9 - 13, 2019: Postdoc Jun gave an oral presentation and Postdoc Qianjie presented a poster
at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA.
December 7 - 8, 2019: At the CATCH (Cryosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry) Open Science Workshop in Berkeley, CA,
Prof. Pratt and Postdoc Qianjie both gave talks, while postdocs Jun and Daun presented posters on their research.
November 26, 2019: We are excited for the start of our Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
(PNNL EMSL) user facility grant to collaborate with Dr. Swarup China!
November 13, 2019: Ph.D. student Kathryn passed candidacy and is now a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan!
November 7, 2019: Ph.D. student Kathryn gave an oral presentation at the ANACHEM (Association of Analytical Chemists)
meeting in Livonia, Michigan and received a Student Presentation Award. Congratulations Kathryn!
November 5, 2019: Congratulations to previous Pratt group members Dr. Nathaniel May, Dr. Rachel Kirpes, and Alexa Watson, and Prof. Pratt on the
new publication, Lake Spray Aerosol Incorporated into Great Lakes Clouds in
ACS Earth Space Chem.
November 2019: Prof. Pratt gave seminars in Chemistry and Marine Sciences at the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC.
October 14 - 18, 2019: Ph.D. student Jamy presented a poster at the AAAR (American Association for Aerosol Research)
Annual Conference in Portland, OR!
October 8 - 10, 2019: Postdoc Dr. Jun Liu gave a talk at the PNNL EMSL 2019 Integration - Plants, Soil and Aerosols meeting in Richland, WA.
October 1, 2019: We are excited for the start of our new collaborative NSF grant "Collaborative Research: NNA Track 1:
Sustainably Navigating Arctic Pollution Through Engaging Communities (SNAP-TEC)” for participation in the
ALPACA (ALaskan Pollution And Chemical Analysis) field campaign in Fairbanks, AK!
October 1, 2019: Dr. Daun Jeong joins the Pratt group as a postdoctoral fellow.
Daun recently received her Ph.D. in Earth System and Science from the University of California, Irvine in Prof. Saewung Kim’s group. Welcome, Daun!
October 2019: As the annual S. Dexter Squibb Distinguished Lecturer, Prof. Pratt gave a Chemistry Lecture
and Public Lecture at the University of North Carolina, Asheville.
August 2019: Prof. Pratt gave a talk at the ACS Fall Meeting in San Diego, CA.
July 28 - August 2, 2019: Postdoc Qianjie and Prof. Pratt presented posters at the Gordon Research Conference on
Atmospheric Chemistry in Newry, Maine.
July 25 - 28, 2019: Postdoc Dr. Qianjie Chen was selected and participated in the 15th ACCESS (Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for
Emerging Senior Scientists) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Congratulations Qianjie!
July 9, 2019: Ph.D. student Rachel successfully defended her dissertation, congratulations Dr. Rachel Kirpes!
June 11, 2019: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Stephen, previous group members Dr. Angela Raso, Dr. Siyuan Wang, Eric Boone, Dr. Katheryn Kolesar,
and Dr. Peter Peterson, and Prof. Pratt on the new Pratt Lab publication,
"Springtime Nitrogen Oxide-Influenced Chlorine Chemistry in the Coastal Arctic" in Environ. Sci. Technol.
June 2019: Prof. Pratt gave an invited talk at the DOE ARM/ASR Joint Meeting in Bethesda, MD.
May 13, 2019: Congratulations to Ph.D. student Rachel for receiving the Department of Chemistry George Ashworth Analytical Chemistry Fellowship!
May 5, 2019 Congratulations to undergraduate student Claire Mattson on earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemistry.
Claire now works at the Legal Council for Health Justice in Chicago, IL as the AmeriCorps Healthy Futures VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)
to better identify and provide services to children with chronic, disabling, and stigmatizing health conditions. Best wishes, Claire!
May 1, 2019: Chemistry Ph.D. student Kathryn Kulju officially joins the Pratt lab. Kathryn received her Bachelor’s
in Chemistry at Northern Michigan University. Welcome Kathryn!
May 2019: Prof. Pratt gave a seminar in Chemistry at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK).
April 4-5, 2019: Prof. Pratt gave the keynote lecture at the QuIESCENT (Quantifying the Indirect Effect: from Sources to Climate
Effects of Natural and Transported aerosol in the Arctic) workshop in Cambridge, UK!
April 2019: Prof. Pratt gave a talk at the EGU meeting in Vienna, Austria and seminars in Chemistry at the University of Cambridge
(Cambridge, UK) and University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI).
March 26-29, 2019: Ph.D. student Rachel and Prof. Pratt present preliminary research results from the 2018 Oden icebreaker cruise at the MOCCHA
(Microbiology-Ocean-Cloud Coupling in the High Arctic) workshop in Stockholm, Sweden!
February 17, 2019: Ph.D. student Rachel gave a presentation at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
February 2019: Prof. Pratt gave seminars at the University of Toronto and the University of Colorado, Boulder.
She also gave the monthly lecture for the Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Society in Pittsburgh, PA!
January 22-25, 2019: Ph.D. student Rachel Kirpes was selected to attend the 2019 Women in Mathematics & Public Policy Workshop in Los Angeles, CA!
January 2019: Prof. Pratt gave seminars in Chemistry at Harvey Mudd College (Claremont, CA), Environmental Science & Engineering at CalTech
(Pasadena, CA), Chemistry at UC-Irvine (Irvine, CA), Chemistry & Biochemistry at UC-San Diego (La Jolla, CA), and Chemistry at Texas A&M!